Leaders of the Gafcon movement meeting 6-9 March 2024 in Kigali

Gafcon: Report from Gafcon Primates

The leaders of the Gafcon movement met from 6-9 March in Kigali. They reviewed the history of Gafcon, recognising the need to accurately remember key events. They discussed the big picture of commitment to re-set the Communion, and the importance of ongoing good communication with GSFA. And they considered in more detail the development of Gafcon itself, giving thanks for diverse examples of God’s grace in mission at regional level, and planning future operations.
Here are some examples of the global spread of Anglicanism that were noted:

  • Anglicans from Brazil are assisting with the training of Mozambican clergy
  • Social entrepreneurship programmes for a self-financing church are being developed in Rwanda
  • Anglican churches increasing in number in Mexico, assisted by ACNA
  • Gafcon Australia meets later this year, seeking to strengthen orthodox faith among Anglicans within and outside the Church of Australia

The Kigali Primates Council welcomed its newest member, Archbishop Siegfried Ngubane of REACH Southern Africa, and many international guests joined the gathering for the consecration of Yassir Eric as bishop of ‘Communio Messianica’, an Anglican mission movement across borders operating mainly in north Africa, Middle East and Europe. A Syrian evangelist and theologian will be improving his English as he spends time with Anglican Network in Europe churches in Britain in 2024.
++ Siegfried 

Archbishop Siegfried Ngubane

+Yasser Eric

Bishop Yassir Eric

New Gafcon podcast: General Secretary Paul Donison in conversation with Archbishop Laurent Mbanda, Chairman of the Primates Council:
A call to unity: the role of Gafcon’s Jerusalem Declaration
Why Gafcon? A Global Fellowship in the Word
Church of England
LLF next steps: Formation of new ‘oversight board’ with three ‘working groups’ (from C of E website)
Church Times reports on these working groups: “The first would draft the new pastoral guidance on whether gay clergy will be permitted to enter into civil same-sex marriages. The second would draft a settlement for conservatives unable to accept the PLF, amounting, Bishop Snow wrote, to ‘the minimum structural provision that is both necessary and proportionate’. And the third group would agree how the stand-alone services of blessing for same-sex couples could be authorised or approved.”
Secure provision for orthodox Anglicans in the C of E – a “structural solution”? Debate between Charlie Bell and Martin Davie.
Davie responds to Bell’s conclusion that  “‘legally secure structural provision’ is a demonstrable nonsense”, by saying that there can be “re-configuration of the Church’s current provincial system.”
After Bell says on X that the proposal for a non-geographical province is “unachievable within Anglican ecclesiology”,  Davie then expands in more detail, saying that there are already bishops ministering to groups of people rather than just geographical places.
Should the Church generate a £1 billion fund for slavery reparations? After the controversial acceptance and promotion at General Synod of a report from an ‘Oversight Group’ to the Church Commissioners, Ian Paul, writing in Psephizo, says the report is based on “distortion of historic and present facts”, the neo-Marxist ideology of Critical Race Theory, and worst of all, a complete denial of the gospel and the church’s missionary responsibility. 
Volunteer at front church

Crisis of missing volunteers as up to a quarter of Church of England parishes have no wardens, according to a new survey of all 42 Dioceses. See report in the Telegraph, which includes figures of continued decline in attendance, and disappearance of parishes through pastoral reorganisation.

We continue to pray for wisdom for faithful Anglicans in the Church of England, as decisions are made about the best ‘home’ from which to gather and to strengthen communities of disciples.

Current issues

French evangelicals regret that abortion has gone from being an “exceptional measure” to the “top of norm hierarchy”, from Evangelical Focus
The French Parliament has enshrined access to abortion as a “woman’s right” in the constitution, but evangelicals have lamented the decision.
Meanwhile in Ireland pro-life groups warn that the State is now promoting abortion as the only alternative to pregnancy, and is leading to an exponential rise in terminations, especially by pills taken at home.
New legislation against ‘extremism’  - experts warn that the government’s definitions could inadvertently result in banning the holding of opinions. Freedom to promote religion in a peaceful way must be protected, says the Christian Institute.
Similarly, Christian Concern point out again that threats to introduce laws against “Islamophobia’ may prevent legitimate criticism of Islam and Islamism, and restrictions on sharing the gospel among Muslims.
 Free Palestine   Silent protest

Protesters march freely in London  … woman arrested for silent protest near abortion clinic 
Pray for wisdom for our political leaders and legislators.
Encouragements and challenges for mission and the Christian life
One Way to Share the Gospel During Ramadan, by Jane Story, The Gospel Coalition. Muslims believe that purity is essential to prayer and acceptance by God, but they think it can be achieved by following rituals as part of a community. Conversations about prayer and purity can be an opportunity to share about the one whose blood washes away sin.
Teaching children God's perfect design for marriage – Christian charity Lovewise seeks to aid parents, youth groups and schools by providing resources on marriage, sex and relationships from a Christian perspective. See this report from their recent conference.
And finally, as we approach Easter:
Comfort, the lure of an easy life and taking up our cross, by Stephen Kneale
“…if we are serious about the cause of the gospel, we are going to have to get a bit uncomfortable….I am convinced comfort is, and remains, a real idol for the church.”