The global church and its mission: responding with faith
Snapshots from the Fourth Lausanne Congress
The first Congress was held in Lausanne in 1974, chaired by Billy Graham and John Stott. The fourth gathering in Seoul, South Korea, brought together 5000 mission leaders from all over the world in September. Highlights from the Lausanne Movement website, including videos, quotes, articles.
Report from the conclusion of the Lausanne Congress from Christian Today:
Lausanne Congress concludes with call to 'collective responsibility' for the Great Commission
Dr Michael Oh, CEO of the Lausanne Movement, said in his keynote address: "The Great Commission is everyone's responsibility. The aggregate result of Christians doing their own thing in their own place - even faithfully - has left us with the trajectory that, year after year, there are more people in the world who have never heard the Gospel than the year before…[we need] a massive realignment of Christian presence and coordination and intentionality".
Highlights from the Seoul Statement, from the Gospel Coalition:
The 13,000 word document emphasises 7 themes: Recommitment to the gospel, Interpretation of Scripture as God’s Word, the Church’s witness, the human person, discipleship as calling to holiness and mission, war and peace, stewarding technology.
Example of sections of the global church “faltering”
Pope reasserts religious pluralism message. By Simon Caldwell, Catholic Herald.
In a message to an interreligious gathering in Paris for peace, Pope Francis wrote that divine inspiration is present in every faith…The words of the Pope echo his remarks in Singapore earlier this month when he said: “There’s only one God, and each of us has a language to arrive at God. Some are Sheik, Muslim, Hindu, Christian, and they are different paths… Since God is God for all, then we are all children of God.”
‘Is the Pope Catholic?’ Evangelical theologian Rollin Grams analyses Pope Francis’ apparent endorsement of universalism. He looks at the Catechism of the Catholic church and recent papal statements on other faiths, and compares them to Paul’s speech in Athens in Acts 17:
“Paul does not end his speech with general connections in religion. As soon as Paul introduces particular Christian teaching about a final judgement and Jesus’ resurrection (Acts 17.31), he divides his audience…Paul was not seeking coexistence among various religions and philosophies but conversion to the particular faith of the Christian Church.”
And yet, at the same time, the Vatican representative to the UN Assembly voiced disapproval of “promotion of abortion and gender ideology” (report from Catholic News Agency)
Church of England
Report published on alleged abuse by Mike Pilavachi of Soul Survivor: Summary of findings and recommendations from Premier Christianity
“Hiding in plain sight, was someone who manipulated and controlled others, bullied and sought to abuse his power over those whom he worked alongside in the church and those who came to learn alongside him,” declared the report
In response, Church of England bishops call for “the whole Church to work harder at identifying, building, and supporting positive cultures in which unhealthy leadership and power dynamics can better be challenged.”
Selecting new bishops? We can’t agree!
The Crown Nominations Commission (CNC), the group tasked with selecting Bishops in the Church of England, have not been able to appoint new Bishops of Carlisle and Ely because of divisions within the CNC reflecting the standoff in the wider church over sexual ethics. As a result, the House of Bishops is looking to introduce changes to the way CNC is appointed, but this has led to a backlash.
Report from Church Times here
Martin Davie comments in his blog:
“…further failures to nominate are likely to follow and that this will result in the Church of England running out of diocesan bishops. The fact that concerns over LLF/PLF and problems with the new discernment process mean that ordinand numbers are falling through the floor doesn’t appear to concern the bishops.”
The HoB, the CNC and a very British democracy
Maintaining faithful witness in a “time of trouble”:
Contending within the Church of England
Five Guiding Principles for the Prayers of Love and Faith? By Ros Clarke, Church Society
…Once again, the church is divided, and it seems clear that no consensus is achievable. It is not surprising, therefore, that the possibility of a similar settlement [to that agreed for women bishops] has been suggested…
…The principles for mutual flourishing are designed to hold together two groups within one church. But the disagreement over same-sex relationships is essentially a disagreement about the gospel itself. And therefore, it needs a settlement that allows the expression of two churches, which may be linked legally and administratively, but are not linked episcopally and ecclesiologically.
New Anglican jurisdictions outside the Canterbury structures: Rejoice in what Gafcon is doing in Europe: as a new Diocese is added to Anglican Network in Europe.
Read reports of inauguration of AMC as a Diocese, and consecration of Dr Gideon Ilechukwu as the first bishop, after the Primate of Nigeria releases AMC from oversight of the Church of Nigeria.
Bishop Andy Lines explains why this is not divisive, but shows how unity in Christ is compatible with a diversity of mission approaches : "I rejoice at what Gafcon is doing through the Anglican Network in Europe… others are pursuing different strategies to contend for the authority of scripture. Whilst we may differ about some views and approaches, our underlining unity continues to be in the truth of the gospel.”
Anglicanism around the world
Why are young people turning Anglican?
A young theological student in her twenties explores an interesting phenomenon in the US: increasing numbers from non-liturgical evangelical churches are being drawn to churches with more formal worship structures, historical tradition, system of governance and “deep theology”. This is benefitting the Anglican Church in North America.
More on church growth in the ACNA here
Anglican Church of Southern Africa Synod reject same sex blessings
Freedom of speech and thought
Pray for these courageous individuals:
Kristie Higgs: can you question LGBT ideology in schools on social media? (from Christian Concern).
Adam Smith-Connor: can you stand and pray silently outside and abortion clinic? (from Christian Today).
Felix Ngole: can an orthodox Christian be a social worker? (from Coalition for Marriage).
David Campanale: can an orthodox Christian be a Lib Dem MP? (From Premier Christian News)..
Against assisted suicide: How long before the right to die becomes a duty to die?
By Yuan Yi Zhu: a transcript of a speech delivered at the Cambridge Union
There’s no dignity in assisted dying: Politicians are full of bogus compassion, by Kathleen Stock, Unherd
[These articles do not use any arguments from religious belief. If as Christians we add biblical truth about God and humanity, we make a compelling case to oppose further moves to legalise euthanasia.]
More resources from Christian Institute here.
Bishop speaks out about abortion: Youtube video
Tim Lewis of Brephos gives an introduction to the issue, and then interviews Bishop Andy Lines (from about 18 minutes in) about ANiE’s public support for a pro-life position.
And finally:
Mission history: How the British Isles were evangelised
By Dr Richard Roberts, Premier Christianity
Read the story of how Christianity first came to England under the Roman Empire, and how centres of radical discipleship, learning, care for the poor and sick, and evangelistic mission flourished in Wales, Ireland, Scotland and back into England between the fourth and seventh centuries AD.
Summary for prayer:
- Pray for the 8th Bishops Training Institute (BTI-8), this week in Kigali, Rwanda, 20th-25th October. Pray for the 17 bishops and their wives attending, along with 10 faculty members, under the leadership of the BTI Director, Bishop Henry Luke Orombi.
- Pray for continued Gospel unity among those contending for the Gospel inside and outside the structures of Church of England.
- Pray for AMC (Europe), for Bishop Gideon Ilechukwu and all leaders and church plants.
- Pray for all those working in beginning and end of life care and for all those taking a stand against abortion and euthanasia.
The delegates present in Kigali pledged to give over $750,000 to become foundation members of the Gafcon Endowment Fund, by pledging to give $10,000 over the next 3 years. Might you or other faithful Anglicans that you know become founder members also? More information will soon be found on our website.