
Jesus has to teach the disciples about servanthood. Their presumption and desire for power is contrasted with Bartimaeus’s humility and wanting to see.
A religious institution which celebrates as good and holy those sins which need to be repented of can’t be considered as part of the church based on the foundation of God’s word. But a church made up of those who humbly acknowledge sin and God’s grace, a church committed to the agenda defined by God’s word rather than the world and it’s controlling spiritual powers, is a ‘pentecostal’ church in the true sense of one marked by the Holy Spirit.
God wants us to trust him for a turnaround in our circumstances. The risen Christ begins with quiet gospel transformation of the lives of individuals and families, and then goes on to change nations!
Editorial from March newsletter: We thank God for the leaders of Gafcon who have shown clarity and courage in identifying expressions of false ‘gospels’, and also for the way they are providing a diverse, global expression of faithful Anglicanism which can unite around the saving Good News that we celebrate at Easter.
Editorial from February newsletter: “The training we received from experienced bishops combined with fellowship with other recently ordained bishops from around the world has been challenging, encouraging and enriching. I am so thankful to Gafcon for all they have done to make this happen.”
Editorial from January newsletter: We will demonstrate the compassion of Christ through the many Gafcon mercy ministries. The decades-old division between word ministry and social action is predominantly a Western phenomenon. The church in the majority world by and large just gets on with preaching the gospel, making disciples and helping those in need.
Editorial from December newsletter: Because we live in a fallen world, at times it seems like we are in a barren desert; our courage fails; we think God is far off; we lose hope. Advent is a reminder of the seeming paradox: it is true that Jesus has come, he has saved us, we approach our destination with joy.
Editorial from November 2023 newsletter: We can take comfort from the fact that while faithful Christians are in a small minority in England and in Europe and the West generally, the centre of gospel-based energy has passed to the global south. As Gafcon boldly stated in its Jerusalem Statement of 2008, it is “the doctrinal foundation of Anglicanism, which defines our core identity as Anglicans”, rather than relationship to Canterbury.
Editorial from October 2023 newsletter: The Kigali Commitment reiterates, Gafcon rejoices in and supports life and ministry in all its fullness for women. Diminishing of women and girls has always occurred in every culture and continues today, even in the church. Repentance is needed, and renewed commitment to right attitudes and actions. But the church should always be guided by the bible rather than contemporary trends, particularly some secular understandings of ‘womens’ rights’
Editorial from August 2023 newsletter: The priority for youth and children is not social action or entertainment, but the teaching of God’s Word.
Editorial from July 2023 newsletter: Gafcon was formed because of the crisis in the Anglican Communion caused by leaders openly and repeatedly turning away from the basic teaching of Scripture. The Kigali commitment priority no.2 responds "We will devote ourselves to raising up the next generation of leaders in Gafcon through Bible-based theological education that will equip them to be Christ-centred and servant-hearted."
Editorial from June 2023 Newsletter. As we considered the future of our movement we welcomed the seven priorities articulated by the General Secretary and endorsed by the Gafcon Primates in The Kigali Commitment: 1. We will engage in a decade of discipleship, evangelism and mission (2023-2033)
Editorial from May 2023 newsletter: The Church of England’s abandonment of biblical authority demonstrates captivity to secular culture; re-setting of the Anglican Communion now an urgent priority, says the Kigali Commitment
Editorial from April 2023 Newsletter: The aim should be that the biblically orthodox within the Anglican Communion should be structurally differentiated from those who advocate a different gospel. This means, in practical terms, a convergence of Gafcon and GSFA, so it would be good to see moves towards this goal in Kigali.
Gafcon’s foundational document from 2008 remains powerful, prophetic and relevant today as faithful Anglicans seek to “proclaim Christ faithfully to the nations”
The root of the crisis in the Western church is different views on the reality of God and his plans for the cosmos. Keeping in mind the future return of Christ, and the present miracle of the real, faithful, spiritual (rather than institutional) Church, is an important antidote to secularism.
A frequently heard testimony from many white, Western Anglicans attending previous global Gafcon gatherings, is a discovery for the first time of a rich diversity of cultural expression within a shared unity based on a biblical world view and agreed understanding of the gospel.
Regardless of whether one likes football the 2022 World Cup in Qatar cannot have gone unnoticed. While some Christians, concerned about social justice issues, chose to personally boycott the tournament, others saw it as an opportunity for evangelism. The Jerusalem Declaration recognises the vital importance of both evangelism and social justice in the Church’s mission.
Our teaching and our lives must reflect that:  “…we are members of his body. For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two will become one flesh. This is a profound mystery – but I am talking about Christ and the church”. Ephesians 5:30-31. At Advent we remember how Christ comes as Saviour to deal with our unfaithfulness which causes separation; he will come again as the bridegroom to claim his bride.
What is an Anglican? The Jerusalem Declaration focusses on affirming bible-based Christian faith shared with all true churches but in clauses 6 and 7 sets out concisely some Anglican distinctives.