
It is with profound sorrow that we learn of the death of Her Majesty the Queen. 
We join the King and the Royal family in mourning a universally loved Sovereign.  

It is rare for a monarch to evoke such deep and heartfelt admiration, affection, loyalty and love in her subjects across all ages, cultures and nations. The United Kingdom, the Commonwealth and the world have truly lost a woman of unsurpassed humility, devotion to service, resilience and humanity.

Lambeth conference 2022 • Kigali 2023 • New bishops for ANiE • Australia • Methodists searching a way forward • Fight or Flight? • What does disunity say?
Lambeth 2022, GSFA and Gafcon • ANiE • CEEC • UK new Prime Minister election • Faith-based cleansing in Nigeria • Final reflection
Lambeth conference • UK church attendance • Case study Church of Scotland • New bishops for AMiE • UK and Europe social issues • an orthodox Anglican glossary?
Queen Elizabeth's Jubilee • The persecuted church in Nigeria • Persecution in secular Europe • Gafcon IV conference • CEEC short films on sexuality • Cost of living • Australia • ANiE • Free Church of England
Gafcon real fellowship • Gafcon IV conference – Kigali, Rwanda • Rwanda refugees • Ukraine • Pastoral ministry in the UK
ACE and AMiE conferences • Church of England LLF process • Freedom of speech and thought • Interviews • Scotland and Wales • Ukraine • Cost of living squeeze
• Pakistan • Nigeria • An evening with Archbishop Ben • Canada • Church of England • CEEC • Church in Wales • Other news calling for our response

Bishop Andy Lines interviews Tim Anderson, Chair, Gafcon Ireland

Bishop Andy Lines  interviews Rodrigo Cavalcanti da Silva, Brazil and Portugal

• Archbishop Ben Kwashi • Church news • CEEC • ANiE • Evangelism • News from our region and around the world
• Myanmar • Christmas Appeal • Visit of Archbishop Foley Beach • Melvin Tinker • Future events • Interesting articles
• Global South Communiqué • Dr Michael Nazir-Ali • Church in Wales • Future choices in the light of the trajectory of Anglicanism in the West • C of E General Synod • Ghana • Gafcon GBE conference • UK government and the church


Thousands of Christians in hundreds of churches across the UK and Ireland are preparing for a focused month of mission leading up to Easter 2022. A Passion for Life offers training in evangelism, resources to help plan a local mission, and opportunities to connect with other churches.

The Trustees of Gafcon GBE (formerly known as Gafcon UK) give thanks to Bishop Michael Nazir-Ali as he steps down from the role of President, which he has held since the formation of the regional Gafcon branch in 2016.

For decades, Bishop Michael has stood courageously to defend and promote Bible-based Christian orthodoxy in its Anglican expression. He has been an influential leader in the worldwide Global Anglican Future (Gafcon) movement, and was instrumental in initiating and advising the process leading to the formation under God’s hand of the Anglican Network in Europe (ANiE), a new Gafcon-authorised jurisdiction made up of two convocations, ACE and AMiE.

General Statement from the Evangelical Fellowship in the Church in Wales in response to the decision of the Governing Body on the 6th September to accept liturgy for the blessing of same-sex civil marriages or civil partnerships.

The Evangelical Fellowship in the Church in Wales deeply regrets the recent decision of the Governing Body to authorise a liturgy to bless same-sex civil marriages and partnerships…

…First, by making this decision, the Church in Wales has departed from the apostolic faith as revealed in Scripture…

  • Church in Wales (CiW) votes for blessings of same sex relationships in church
  • C of E Synod elections.
  • Threats from wider society: “gay conversion therapy’ ban.
  • The marginalisation of Christianity in the West - recent articles
  • Around the world: violence continues in Nigeria; Gafcon Primates to meet


  • Gafcon GBE: new website being developed
  • Gafcon GBE President Bishop Michael Nazir Ali: news about his ministry
  • Church planting initiatives must be based on faithfulness to Scripture
  • Anglican Network in Europe news
  • Methodist Church changes its understanding of marriage: useful resource available
  • Understanding false ideologies in our culture: review of Carl Trueman’s book
  • Is it possible for evangelicals to remain in a liberal denomination? Pastor’s Heart interview…


  • Gafcon Sunday was celebrated on 27 June
  • Rise of secularism coincides with growing intolerance of orthodox Christian views, especially on sexual ethics. A number of examples for information and prayer.
  • Church of England evangelicals: retired Bishop starts work as National Director of CEEC.
  • News from Anglican Network in Europe


Gafcon GBE commends theologian Martin Davie’s clear summary and critique of the Living in Love and Faith resources, currently being discussed in the Church of England.

  • New month, new name! Gafcon UK is now Gafcon Great Britain and Europe
  • Gafcon: mutual accountability. Disagreements between Gafcon regions over pastoral strategy to same sex attracted people while maintaining faithful biblical witness are being resolved.
  • Gafcon as a model for diversity and non-racism based on biblical principles: Bishop Michael Nazir Ali article
  • Anglican Network in Europe News
  • Europe - secular, but with pockets of faith? Article from Evangelical Focus
  • Church of England: Response to Living in Love and Faith by Martin Davie