
Rejoicing to be a safe harbour

Kigali convention centre

[Christ] is the head of the body, the church; he is the beginning and the firstborn from among the dead, so that in everything he might have the supremacy.  Colossians 1:18

"The final statement was received in lamenting silence as we realised the solemnity of the moment. I’d hope and prayed it would be so, so when it happened like that, it was a tearful moment. The Anglican Communion is being reset and it’s both wonderful and daunting to be a small part of that history."
"The tone of this conference has been strangely marked both by overflowing joyful thanksgiving and by deep grief and repentance. This morning Kanishka Raffel (Archbishop of Sydney) preached on Colossians 3. ....Once again the focus has been on Jesus ...the motivation and inspiration, the judge of every enterprise, his approval be all that you desire. The church’s identity is shaped by the character of Christ. Kanishka challenged us to clothe ourselves in him and to repent where we have failed to do so."
"It was humbling to hear how our story, as a church and a network, had encouraged him! He urged us to build our church on the unchanging word of God"
" ...I’ve been struck by how much many of these brothers are sisters have a great deal to teach us about what being faithful to Christ looks like, and in particular, what such faithfulness might cost."
Welcome to Rwanda!
Anglicans in Wales • CEEC calls for resistance to CofE “blessing” proposals • St Helen’s Bishopsgate and CofE ordinands make public protests • Scotland – the task facing the church • Issues in society – sex education and indoctrination
Archbishop Andy John and the Bench of Bishops of the Church in Wales have written to say they do not recognise Stuart Bell’s episcopal ministry, and instruct Church in Wales clergy to “stand back from receiving communion at services held under the auspices of ACE”. The background to that decision has been many years of promotion by Church in Wales’ leaders of a radically different interpretation of Scripture and Christian life, influenced by Western secularism, and not consistent with orthodox Christianity as recognised by the majority of the Anglican church worldwide.
Church of England General Synod approves (in principle) services of blessing for same sex relationships – reaction and comment • Preparing for Gafcon 2023 in Kigali • Christian faith, politics and public life
On February 9th 2023, the Church of England’s governing body, General Synod, voted by majorities in all three houses to approve the plan put forward by the House of Bishops, to allow prayers of blessing for same sex relationships in parish churches. It is now beyond doubt that the C of E as an institution has formally rejected God’s clear design for sex and marriage revealed in his Word.
Many in the Church of England have made faithful and courageous speeches upholding biblical teaching. We thank God for them and acknowledge their faithfulness to the Gospel, and our ongoing fellowship with and support for them. For those who are feeling alone and vulnerable during this time, please be assured of the fervent prayers of your brothers and sisters around the world.
Same sex ‘blessing’ services authorised: C of E continues on revisionist trajectory. On 18th January, news broke that the C of E bishops had agreed on a way forward on the issue of sexuality following the LLF process • comments and prayer response • Reimagining care • clergy mental health • persecution in Nigeria
The Anglican Network in Europe wholeheartedly echoes Archbishop Foley Beach’s call to repent and return to the teaching and practice of Holy Scripture.
Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI • Rob Munro, Bishop of Ebbsfleet • King Charles • a response to the Bishop of Southwark • Statistics for Mission • rewritten Christmas carol • Scotland • a believer arrested • Nigeria • Bethlehem • suggested reading and study • Epiphany
Church of England discussions • Losing our religion in the UK? • Articles on the UK census • Advent points to something wonderful • Gafcon IV Kigali • Rob Munro, Bishop of Ebbsfleet
Gafcon Primates meeting October 2022 • Hull consecrations and reactions • importance of the global church • Bishop of Oxford’s essay • CofE, LLF and the future • ‘Greater Love Declaration’ and church teaching • Anglican Church in Algarve recruiting
The Gafcon Primates Council celebrated their first face to face meeting (without masks) in over three years when they met in Kigali, Rwanda from October 17-19, 2022
Church of England on sexuality, relationships and marriage - latest from LLF • Report from ReNew • ANiE bishop consecrations and mini conference • Gafcon Global leaders meeting